If you are looking for the perfect plan to build muscle, I hate to be the one to tell you that there is no perfect workout program because everybody has a different body type. However, there are a few guidelines everybody should follow when they are trying to bulk up. By the time you are done reading this article you should know how to put together the perfect weight loss plan for yourself following these three tips.
1-Forget about the burn
I am sure you have all trained hard before and got an incredible burn. One thing I am sure you notice is that burn only comes when you train with a lighter weight and do more reps. Most people think this is the best way to train because it hurts more, but the truth is the burn really doesn’t mean anything as far as muscle development goes.
2-The weight needs to be heavy
The only way you are going to get your muscles to look as big as possible is if you train them in a way that gives them no choice but to grow. The best way to do this is by doing heavier weight and fewere reps. Next time you do any exercise, choose a weight that only allows you to do between four to six reps.
3-Don’t forget to recover
Skinny guys seem to have the mindset that the only way they can get bigger is if they workout harder and harder. It is true, you want to work out hard, but you still need to give your muscles a chance to recover. Just remember this, your muscles don’t grow in the gym, they grow the day after when you are resting.
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