Friday, July 2, 2010

Fix Your Relationship Today

One of the hardest things to go through is getting dumped by the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with. If you have recently been dumped then I am very glad you are here reading this article. By the time you are finished, you will have learned three incredible tips and tricks to get back together with your ex even if you didn’t think it was possible.

1-The communication needs to stop

I know a lot of you are not going to like hearing this tip, but the first thing you need to do if you want to get her back is cut off all communication. I know for some of you, you might have tried to talk to her already, and that is fine as long as you stop right away. Try to go one full month without talking to her at all.

2-Ask her to hang out

Once a full four weeks has gone by, it is time to talk to her again. There are a few ways you can do this, you can call her, text her, email her, or do what we believe to be the best option and send her a letter. Explain to her that you understand why she broke up with you and if you were in her position you would do the same, but then tell her you still love her and want to give it another chance.

3-Apologize to her

I know you kind of apologized to her when you wrote her the letter, but there is nothing more sincere than in apology in person. When you guys are hanging out, I want you to tell her how sorry you are for everything and actually mean it. People can tell when an apology is real and when it isn’t.

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