Friday, June 25, 2010

Heal your relationship today

It does not matter whether you are married or are dating, every relationship is bound to have some problems. I wish I could say these problems can easily be fixed, but the majority of time it is going to take some work. In this article we are going to be going over three steps you and your lover should do to make sure you fix your broken relationship.

1-Understand that every relationship is different

The first thing you need to do is make sure you understand that every relationship is different. If you donĂ¢€™t understand this, then chances are good you are going to find a couple and try to act exactly like them. This might be good at first but eventually you two will forget who you are and your relationship will go down hill again.

2-Be best friends

If you take a look around at the people who have great relationships, one thing you will notice is that the majority of the time, they are best friends. They have a lot of fun with each other and always want to be with each other. When they arenĂ¢€™t with each other they are calling and finding out what the other person is up to. Establish a great friendship.

3-Make sure you show affection

The sad thing is that very few couples do this anymore after their first few years of being with each other. You need to show affection to the other person in simple ways. Go for walks and hold hands, have a movie night where you guys just hold each other. Do romantic gestures like that.

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