Friday, June 25, 2010

Put an end to the divorce

Do you remember the day you were on the alter and you made a promise to your spouse that you would love them for the rest of your life? I bet you never realized that someday you would be getting a divorce with them. If you want to figure out how to stop the divorce then I am glad you are reading this article. By the time you are done reading you will know three great steps you can take to fix a bad relationship.

1-Share your thoughts

I am sure you already know that one of the most important things to a great relationship is to communicate with each other. I want you to think about the past few months, have you and your spouse been open and honest with each other? If not it is time to sit down with them and talk about what is on your mind.

2-Know that the feelings are there

One of the main reasons a lot of relationships fail is because couples think that their spouse has lost all the feelings they once had for them. The truth is, they had enough feelings to get married to you and those just don’t go away. It is important to know that they still do and always will have feelings for you, they just might be hidden right now.

3-Know that all fights end

If you talk to any couple that has been married for over thirty years, they will tell you they have gotten in fight after fight after fight, and yet they still made it through and are very happy with their lives. Just because you are in one big fight, doesn’t mean you should get a divorce because it will eventually end.

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