If you are wanting to get back together with your ex then it is a good thing you are here reading this article. One thing that always surprises me is when couples go through a break up and think it is over for good. The truth is, getting your ex back is actually easier than getting them to like you in the first place. By the time you are done reading this article you will have learned three great tips and tricks to win them back
1-Remember who you are
The first thing I want you doing when trying to get back together with your ex is remember who you wre when they first fell in love with you. Obviously there was something special about who you were because they either said yes or they asked you out. Think about who you were back then and try to be that person again.
2-Give them some space
One of the reasons a couple breaks up is because they donĂ¢€™t feel like they have any freedom at all anymore. If you were constantly trying to call or get in touch with your ex, you need to stop. This is more true right now than it ever was. Go one full month without talking to them and chances are good they will miss you.
3-Do you have good communication
Do you even know why you and your ex broke up? I am sure you can think of something that happened that caused a break up, but do you know what lead up to that one big thing? Couples donĂ¢€™t just break up with each other out of nowhere, there had to have been a series of things that happened, you need to think of what it could have been and apologize.
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