I am willing to bet that a lot of you out there are wanting to lose weight but don’t know exactly what you should be eating or how to work out to reach your goals. In this article, we are going to give you three tips that will help you lose weight. The challenge is that you would follow these three tips for five weeks. If you do, you should have lost at least five pounds. Ready to get started?
1-Know your daily calorie intake
The first thing you need to do when trying to lose five pounds in five weeks is to know how many calories you should be eating per day. This is actually easy to figure out, all you have to do is go online and search for a calorie calculator. Once you get your number then just subtract 500 from it. That is how many calories you should be eating to lose weight.
2-Make sure you are weight training
Often time, weight training seems to get neglected when we talk about losing weight. This is a sad fact because weight training is actually the best way to lose a lot of weight in the shortest amount of time. The reason is because muscle burns fat, and obviously weight training builds muscle. So the more muscle you build through weight training the more fat you will burn.
3-Get motivated
I know this tip might sound a bit weird, but the truth is if you want to lose a good amount of weight, you are going to need to get motivated. Motivation can do a lot of things, but the reason it is so important is because it will prevent you from eating food you shouldn’t eat and it will prevent you from skipping a workout.
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