Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Get Stronger

I know that building muscle and strength is not the easiest thing for a lot of you guys out there. It was not the easiest thing for me either. However, I am here to let you know that anyone can put on muscle regardless of your body type. In this article I will be sharing with you the same three tips I used to pack on a lot of muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

1-Make sure you have good form

One of the main reasons people have trouble getting stronger in big lifts such as the bench press and squat is because their form is not that great. You should take about one month to practice form and nothing but form. You do not need to lift heavy, just make sure you have proper form so you don’t injury yourself when you do use heavy weight.

2-Train your muscles to failure

A lot of people like to stop a few reps short of failure when they workout. If you have been doing this, that could be one of the main reasons you have not been able to gain any weight. Right now, we need to force our muscles into growing, the only way to do that is by taking them to failure. If you don’t go to failure you are not tearing them down as much as you could be.

3-Listen to music

If you didn’t already know, the heavier the weight is that you can lift for a certain amount of reps, the more your muscles will grow. Science has proven that when we listen to music, it gets our adrenaline flowing which allows us to lift more weight. Put together a play list of songs that get you pumped up and listen to it during your workout.

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