If you spend the majority of your day dreaming about the day you get to hold your ex lover in your arms again, then I am glad you are here reading this article. The truth is break ups happen. Sometimes there is no avoiding them. However, hundreds of people are getting back together with their ex every single day, there is no reason you can’t do this as well.
1-Hit the breaks
The first thing you need to do when trying to get back together with the one you love is to do nothing. You need to cut off all communication with her. Don’t text her, call her, email her, don’t do anything to communicate with her. This will make her realize how much she missed you and how much she wants you back.
2-Make her jealous
The next thing I want you to do is make her jealous. If she is starting to miss you because you will not talk to her, then notices you hanging out and flirting with other girls, she is probably going to try to flirt with you in order to get you back. It is important you do not go on dates with any of these girls though!
3-Talk to her
Now is the time you want to talk to her again. When you first hang out with her, just be friends. Don’t mention anything about getting back together, just have fun with each other. After a few hang outs of just having fun, I want you to let her know you are sorry and that you want to get back together. Chances are good she will accept.
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