Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Diet

Have you ever noticed that no matter what diet you go on, it always seems to fail? Why is it? How come so many people have had great results with a certain diet, but when you try to same diet you don’t get any results at all? In this article we are going to be talking about what could be holding you back and what you can do to help yourself lose a lot of weight faster than you ever dreamed possible.

1-You must change your mindset

I am sure you already knew this, but it is still something people don’t think about too often. Your mind plays a major role in whether or not you will gain or lose weight. If you go into a diet knowing it is going to fail, then guess what? It will fail! However, if you have the mindset of knowing the diet will work, it will work. The first thing you need to do is change your mindset.

2-Don’t eat before bed

I know at night time you might get very hungry, but you need to stop yourself from eating something before bed, if you must have a glass of milk then that is fine. When you sleep you are burning the most fat because your body enters an anabolic state. If you eat before bed the only thing you will burn is the food you just ate.

3-Stay hydrated

If you are not drinking a lot of water throughout the day, you need to start doing so today. The reason drinking water is so important is because if you are dehydrated, your body will store water. Not only will this add weight to your body but it will also cause you to be bloated in areas you don’t want to be bloated.

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Weight Loss Made Simple

If losing weight is your main goal and has been your main goal for a while, then I am glad you are here. If you have tried to lose weight before but have failed, then you are at the right place. The truth is there could be many reasons as to why you failed when trying to lose weight, but those reasons don’t matter. What does matter is the fact that in this article you are going to learn three tips and tricks that will help you lose weight.

1-Make sure you workout

Before we start talking about the diet and what you should be eating, I want you to know that you have to work out. I do not care what you have been told, if you want to lose max amount of weight in the shortest amount of time, working out is vital. You don’t need to destroy yourself in the gym, but you should be going at least three days per week and doing a full body workout.

2-Separate your fats and carbs

As scientists study the best ways to lose weight, one thing they have recently discovered is the fact that eating fats and carbs in the same meal makes it difficult to lose weight because of the insulin spike you will get. Protein should be had with every meal, whether it comes from a drink or meat doesn’t matter.

3-Limit your calories

Eating healthy will not make you lose weight. Losing weight is simply a matter of how many calories you eat versus how many calories you burn. If you burn more calories than you eat, then you will be losing weight. I am not saying eating healthy isn’t important, but you need to monitor how much you eat even if it is healthy.

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Lose Weight Quickly and Easily

If you are looking to lose weight then I am glad you are here reading this article. As I am sure you already know, losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, it is even harder when you have no idea when it comes to weight loss. By the time you are done reading you will know exactly what you need to do to drop your body fat percentage.

1-Do some simple math

I bet you didn’t know that weight loss is actually just a simple mathematical formula huh? Think about it like this, the amount of weight you will either gain or lose depends on your calories in versus your calories out. All you need to do is find out how many calories you need to eat per day to maintain weight and eat 500 less than this.

2-Think about your breakfast

Now I want you to think about what you eat for breakfast. If you do not eat breakfast this could be one of the main reasons you are having some trouble packing on weight. If you eat a small breakfast you need to make it bigger. I know that might sound weird, but the advantages to having a bigger breakfast is being less hungry throughout the day and having a faster metabolism.

3-Don’t forget about workouts

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the chances of you losing the amount of weight you want to lose without working out is very slim. If you want to lose weight quickly then you should start doing some weight training at least three days per week.

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Build Muscle

If you are wanting to build a lot of muscle without having to use any type of steroid, then I am glad you are here reading this article. Believe it or not, I use to be extremely skinny, weighing in at 119 pounds going into high school. By the time I was out of high school I weighed 185 pounds. In this article I am going to be giving you the same tips someone gave me to help me build more muscle.

1-Forget about the magazines

Did you know that the majority of magazines are actually owned by supplement companies? Because of this, they will give you certain workout programs and tell you the only way you can get these results is if you take this supplement. The truth is the only supplement you should have is protein and maybe creatine. You should also ignore the workout program because they are usually very poorly put together.

2-Train heavy and train often

Most people spend hours in the gym doing a lot of reps. If you have been doing this you need to stop right away, you want to make your time in the gym as short as possible. If you are going over an hour you need to cut it down big time. You want your weight to be heavy enough so you cannot do any more than six reps. You also want to make sure you are doing three full body workouts per week.

3-Get some sleep

This is one of the forgotten keys to building a lot of muscle. If you do not get a lot of sleep you are going to have some trouble building muscle. Sleep is actually when you build the most muscle and you recover the quickest. If you are not getting at least eight hours of sleep then you need to start today.

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Things You Must Do To Build Muscle

If you are looking for the perfect plan to build muscle, I hate to be the one to tell you that there is no perfect workout program because everybody has a different body type. However, there are a few guidelines everybody should follow when they are trying to bulk up. By the time you are done reading this article you should know how to put together the perfect weight loss plan for yourself following these three tips.

1-Forget about the burn

I am sure you have all trained hard before and got an incredible burn. One thing I am sure you notice is that burn only comes when you train with a lighter weight and do more reps. Most people think this is the best way to train because it hurts more, but the truth is the burn really doesn’t mean anything as far as muscle development goes.

2-The weight needs to be heavy

The only way you are going to get your muscles to look as big as possible is if you train them in a way that gives them no choice but to grow. The best way to do this is by doing heavier weight and fewere reps. Next time you do any exercise, choose a weight that only allows you to do between four to six reps.

3-Don’t forget to recover

Skinny guys seem to have the mindset that the only way they can get bigger is if they workout harder and harder. It is true, you want to work out hard, but you still need to give your muscles a chance to recover. Just remember this, your muscles don’t grow in the gym, they grow the day after when you are resting.

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Finally! Build Muscle Easily

If you are anything like me, then you are sick and tired of all these weight loss commercials that keep coming out. How many times a day do you see a commercial on a new weight loss pill? Now think about how many times you see a commercial on a pill to help you gain muscle. It seems like this world is so focused on losing weight they forgot about us skinny people who want to gain muscle. In this article we are going to teach you how to build muscle faster than you though you could.

1-Stimulate but don’t annihilate

One of the main things we tell our clients when they are trying to bulk up is to stimulate the muscles but don’t annihilate them. If you spend too much time in the gym, you will do two things. The first thing is you will burn too many calories which will make gaining weight impossible. You will also over train your muscles and they will not recover and grow.

2-Train often

Once you understand that fact that you should not spend more than one hour in the gym, you need to understand you should train often. We have found that people get the best results when they train the full body three times per week.

3-Train heavy

Another mistake a lot of people make when trying to gain weight is not training heavy enough. If you want your muscles to get bigger and stronger, you need to force them to do so. If you don’t lift a heavy weight your muscles will feel no need to grow. Aim for a weight that allows you to do between four to six reps.

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Easy Steps To Win Her Back

I don’t know about you, but when my girlfriend broke up with me, I wanted to do everything I could do to get back together with her. During this process, I made every mistake in the book. However, I did eventually win her back and our relationship has been great ever sense. In this article I am going to give you the three main steps I took to win her hear t back fast.

1-Think of everything

One mistake most guys make when trying to get back together with their ex girlfriend is the fact that they don’t really think about everything that could have gone wrong in the relationship. Sure, one thing happened that really pushed her over the edge, but think about all the small things that lead up to that one big thing.

2-Ask her to hang out

Now that you know all the small things that lead up to that one big thing, you need to ask her to hang out so you can apologize to her face. I don’t want you to just apologize for that main thing that caused the break up, I want to let her know how sorry you are for all the other things as well. This will show her that you have put a lot of thought into it and really have changed and do care about her.

3-Write her a letter

This is something that is rarely done but can have a huge affect on whether or not she will take you back. Write her a letter and send it to her in the mail. In the letter explain to her that you understand the reasons for the break up and if you were in her shoes you would do the same thing. Then ask for a second chance.

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Fix Your Relationship Today

One of the hardest things to go through is getting dumped by the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with. If you have recently been dumped then I am very glad you are here reading this article. By the time you are finished, you will have learned three incredible tips and tricks to get back together with your ex even if you didn’t think it was possible.

1-The communication needs to stop

I know a lot of you are not going to like hearing this tip, but the first thing you need to do if you want to get her back is cut off all communication. I know for some of you, you might have tried to talk to her already, and that is fine as long as you stop right away. Try to go one full month without talking to her at all.

2-Ask her to hang out

Once a full four weeks has gone by, it is time to talk to her again. There are a few ways you can do this, you can call her, text her, email her, or do what we believe to be the best option and send her a letter. Explain to her that you understand why she broke up with you and if you were in her position you would do the same, but then tell her you still love her and want to give it another chance.

3-Apologize to her

I know you kind of apologized to her when you wrote her the letter, but there is nothing more sincere than in apology in person. When you guys are hanging out, I want you to tell her how sorry you are for everything and actually mean it. People can tell when an apology is real and when it isn’t.

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Win Your Love Back

I am willing to bet that if you and your girlfriend have recently gone through a break up, you are at a point in your life right now where you would do just about anything to get back together with her. If that is the case, then I am glad you have the right mindset, but sometimes that can make you make bad decisions. In this article we are going to talk about how to get her back the smart way.

1-Know what went wrong

If you do not know exactly why she broke up with you, you are not going to get her back. It is vital that you sit down and think about what happened. If she told you what happened, you still need to sit down and think about all the little things that lead up to that one big thing. The reason this is important is because you need to know exactly what you are going to be apologizing for.

2-Try to make her jealous

One of the best ways to speed up the process of getting her back is by making her jealous. The best way to make her jealous is to go one full month without talking to her, then start hanging out with other girls. I am not telling you to start dating other girls because that would eventually hurt you. But go out and have some fun with other girls.

3-Write her a letter

After she starts to get a little jealous she might will probably be at a point where she wishes you would talk to her. The best way to start communication again is not to call her or text her, but to write her a letter and send it to her through the mail. This will show that you actually took the extra time to do something for her.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Win Her Back

If you spend the majority of your day dreaming about the day you get to hold your ex lover in your arms again, then I am glad you are here reading this article. The truth is break ups happen. Sometimes there is no avoiding them. However, hundreds of people are getting back together with their ex every single day, there is no reason you can’t do this as well.

1-Hit the breaks

The first thing you need to do when trying to get back together with the one you love is to do nothing. You need to cut off all communication with her. Don’t text her, call her, email her, don’t do anything to communicate with her. This will make her realize how much she missed you and how much she wants you back.

2-Make her jealous

The next thing I want you to do is make her jealous. If she is starting to miss you because you will not talk to her, then notices you hanging out and flirting with other girls, she is probably going to try to flirt with you in order to get you back. It is important you do not go on dates with any of these girls though!

3-Talk to her

Now is the time you want to talk to her again. When you first hang out with her, just be friends. Don’t mention anything about getting back together, just have fun with each other. After a few hang outs of just having fun, I want you to let her know you are sorry and that you want to get back together. Chances are good she will accept.

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Win Her Heart Again

Do you dream of the days you use to be with your ex? Do you remember how perfect life seemed to be when you held her in your arms and nothing else seemed to matter? I bet you wish you could get those days back don’t you? If your girlfriend has recently broken up with you, I am sorry to hear that. However, there is always hope to getting back together and we are going to talk about how to do it in this article.

1-Leave her alone and stop communication

One of the first things you need to do when you are trying to get back together with the girl of your dreams is to actually leave her alone. I know this might sound a bit weird to some of you, but it needs to be done. Right after the break up, she needs time to think about everything. If you are constantly talking to her, you will just become annoying.

2-Recover emotionally

During this time period where you are not talking to her (which should last about one month) you need to recover emotionally. I know a break up can send you through so many emotions, you don’t even know what to do. It is important you are emotionally stable before you even say words to her. This will prevent you from saying words you would later regret

3-The power of jealousy

I am sure you guys already know that jealousy is a very powerful emotion. Because of this, you want to make your ex a bit jealous. I am not telling you to start dating other women, but you should try to be a little flirty with other women and make sure she notices it.

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Get Your Ex Back

I do not need to be the one to sit here and tell you that break ups are hard to go through. I am sure you already know that because you are going through so many emotions right now you can’t even explain it. In this article we are going to be talking about how to get back together with your ex even if the situation seems hopeless.

1-Give them some space

How may text messages have you sent your ex in the past week? Chances are good you have been trying to talk to them but have not gotten a reply. There is a reason you have not gotten a reply yet, because they want space. If they just broke up with you, they are probably confused as well and need time to think, give them that time. If not you will just become annoying to them.

2-Think about the past

During the time period where you are no longer talking to them, I want you to think about the past and try to think about what could have gone wrong. Do you know exactly why your ex broke up with your? Or did the break up just kind of happen out of nowhere? Knowing the exact reasons as to why the break up happened will help

3-Write a letter

There is something special about writing a letter to someone. When was the last time you received a hand written letter from one of your friends? Probably not in a very long time. If you write them a letter explaining how sorry you are, this will make them realize you are different than everyone else.

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How To Get A Stronger Body

is nothing wrong with this, but what if you want to get stronger? There is not near as much information out there regarding getting stronger as there is getting bigger. In this article we are going to teach you how to lift weights to get your stronger and not just focus on getting bigger.

1-Decdie which exercises to focus on

Do you know exactly which exercises you want to get stronger in? For a lot of people it is the bench press. For other people they want to get their squat stronger so they can be a better athlete. Whatever the case may be, you need to decide what exercises you want to get stronger in. We recommend you choose three.

2-Train those exercises often

If you want to get better at a particular skill, such as dribbling a basketball, what do you do? You pick up a basketball and dribble it a lot, usually every day. The same is true with weight training. If you want to get stronger, you need to perform those lifts a lot. We do not recommend every day because that will cause you to over train. But doing it three days a week is perfect.

3-Make sure you are lifting heavy

If you are not lifting heavy, you will not be getting stronger. Lifting heavy is one of the keys to getting as strong as possible. Do you really think you can get stronger if you are not pushing your muscles to the max of their ability? Focus on three to five reps per set.

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Lift Weights The Correct Way

How many of you guys out there have been training with weights for a long time but really have not seen any results? If you are anything like how I use to be, you have trained really hard but can’t seem to get the scale moving in the right direction. In this article we are going to teach you the best ways to weight train to reach your desired goals.

1-Know your goal

Before you even begin to design your weight training routine, it is extremely important you know your goal. How many of you out there know exactly what you want to get out of your weight training sessions? Maybe you want to gain more muscle, maybe you want to just get stronger. Whatever your goals are, write them down and put them in a place you often look.

2-Start off with the basics

The next thing you want to do is start off with the basics of weight training. You don’t need to start doing body building stuff right away. You want to focus on getting a good base strength in the squat, bench press, and over head press. We recommend you do those exercises three days a week for the next six weeks. Increase the weight each workout.

3-Lift heavy

No matter what your goal is, you want to lift heavy. If you want to gain muscle, you need to force your muscles to grow. The only way to do this is by lifting some heavy weight. If you want to get stronger, you need to train your muscles to push harder, the only way to do this is by using heavier weight. We recommend anywhere in the four to six rep range.

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Bulk up Through Lifting Weights

If you have been training for a long time but are having trouble bulking up, then it is a good thing you are here reading this article. Chances are good you have seen a lot of strength gains when you workout, but if you are not getting bigger, it can be a little discouraging. In this article we are going to be talking about three different tips and tricks you can start to follow to help you gain max weight in the shortest time.

1-Analzye your diet

I am sure a lot of you have heard that if you want to pack on a lot of muscle you need to focus on eating more. This is true, but you don’t want to be sitting there all day eating junk food and fast food. I want you to sit and analyze your diet, write down everything you eat for the next two weeks. See how much you ate and if it was healthy.

2-Focus on compound movements

Next time you go to the gym, I don’t want you doing isolation exercises like barbell curls and chest flies. I want you to do the major compound movements such as the squat, bench press, dead lift, barbell rows, military press, pull ups, and dips. Obviously there are a lot more than that, but those exercises will pack on the most weight.

3-Change up your workout often

The next thing you should do when trying to get bigger is change up your workout often. The human body is very smart and can start to adapt to the things you are doing. If you do the same workout for a month, the body will learn this workout and it will no longer feel like it needs to get bigger and stronger. Change your workout every three weeks for max results.

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Get a Great Body Through Dieting

If you are wanting to go on a diet to lose a lot of weight in the shortest amount of time, then I am glad you are here reading this article. Going through a weight loss diet does not have to be hard, but people always seem to make it hard. I believe the number one reason weight loss diets fail is because of confusion. There is so much conflict out there with what works and what doesn’t, how is the average person suppose to know what to do? In this article we are going to be going over some simple tips to help you lose a lot of weight.

1-Eat more meals

The first tip we can give you when you are trying to put together the perfect weight loss diet is to eat more often. Don’t go any longer than three hours without consuming food. The reason we recommend this is because if eat often, your metabolism will be running fast, and as your already know, the faster your metabolism is going, the more calories you will burn.

2-Make sure you stay hydrated

Not drinking enough water can be a big reason you are having trouble losing weight. When you don’t stay hydrated your body will naturally store water so you can have a supply of water when you need it. However, when the body stores water it does nothing but add weight to your body and make you look bloated.

3-Fats are not bad

I think most people are afraid to eat fats because they automatically assume the fats are going to make them fat. The truth is fat is not bad for you, obviously you want to stay away from saturated fats, but there are some very healthy fats out there for you. If you are not taking any kind of omega three supplement, you should consider taking fish oil

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Weight Loss Through Dieting

One thing that always makes me laugh is the fact that the average Americans number one goal is to lose weight. When you look around America, with how many obese people there are, you wouldn’t have guessed that is the number one goal. If so many people want to lose weight then why are people not losing weight? I believe the answer is because of confusion, people simply don’t know how. In this article we are going to be going over three tips and tricks to help you lose a lot of weight.

1-Keep track of everything

One of the best things you can be doing right now is to keep track of everything you eat. I recommend you go out and purchase a food diary that makes it easy to write down what you ate and when you ate it. Write down how many calories, proteins, fats, and carbs were in that particular food you ate. This will help you see how many calories you ate at the end of the day.

2-Eat more often

One thing we tell people is to eat more meals per day. Often times people wonder why they should do this when their goal is to lose weight, the answer is simple. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism will get going. The faster your metabolism is going the more calories you will burn. Combine this with working out and you are turning your body into a fat burning machine.

3-Brush your teeth early at night

This is one of the tricks that most people would never think of but it really does help. You should brush your teeth earlier before you go to bed, that way you won’t be as tempted to eat something close to bed time. How many times have you said “I guess I will eat this, I have not brushed my teeth yet.” If you brush your teeth early you will not have that excuse.

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Great Weight Loss Diet

I know you might find this hard to believe, but everyone can lose weight no matter what their body type is. I am sure a lot of you might not believe this because chances are good you have tried weight loss diets before and they have no worked. However, I am here to challenge your thinking. In this article we are going to be going over three tips and tricks that will help you lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

1-Make sure you stay hydrated

This is one thing that a lot of people don’t do that could actually really help them if they did do it. If you are not staying hydrated throughout the day, your chances of losing a lot of weight go down. Did you know that when a person is dehydrated, it causes them to store water? When they store water they look bloated, obviously we do not want that.

2-Find the right foods

Next time you go grocery shopping, your main goal is to find foods that are high in nutrition, but low in calories and fats. When you look at the box, the main thing you want to look at is the protein, the more protein there is the better. Next you want to look to see how many vitamins and minerals there are. If there are a lot then purchase it.

3-Plan your meals ahead

Whether or not you want to believe it, we live in a world that is constantly on the go. We have to wake up, go to work, go from work to pick up our kids, drop our kids off at practice, and do other such things. Because of this, you need to plan your meals ahead so you can take them with you. If you don’t then chances are good you will settle for fast food.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

If you are feeling emotionally hopeless right now because your girlfriend just broke up with you, then it is a good thing you are here reading this article. I know the pain and confusion that comes from a break up can sometimes be unbearable. In this article we are going to teach you how to not only manage that pain and confusion, but how to get your ex girlfriend to love you once again.

1-Don’t become jealous

Right now you want your ex girlfriend to think that you are confident and secure even without her. If you show her that you are jealous, she will realize that you are not confident or secure. You have to remember that jealous is an emotion that only comes out when you have fear and anticipate a loss.

2-Stop talking to her

This is one of the biggest mistakes just about all guys make. We think we can continue to call her up all the time and send her a lot of text messages even after the break up. It is time you take about a month off from talking to her, this will give her some time to think and it will also give you some time to think.

3-Build up your confidence

Now it is time to build up your confidence because once a full month is up, you are going to be talking to her again. If you don’t have any confidence when you talk to her, you don’t stand a chance on getting her back. Just remind yourself that she liked you once and she will like you again.

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Get Your Boyfriend Back

I am willing to bet that if you just got dumped, you are wishing you knew how to get back together with the person who dumped you, am I right? If you want to get back together with your ex then I am glad you are here reading this article. By the time you are done reading this you will have learned three tips and tricks you can start applying today to get back together with your man.

1-Do you know why you broke up?

During the break up, did he tell you exactly why he broke up with you? If he did, then this is good news because you know what you need to work on. If he didn’t then you are going to have to either ask him or sit down and think about all the things that went wrong. I am sure you can come up with a list of things.

2-Keep the first week to yourself

One thing that you don’t want to do is bother your ex by always trying to get in contact with him. I know a lot of you are probably going to want to call your ex and beg to get back together, but you need to prevent yourself from doing this for the first week. He needs time to think about everything and so do you.

3-Play hard to get
After a week, it is time to talk to him. I want you to just send him a simple text message asking how he is doing. Once he replies make sure you do not reply right away. It is a good idea to wait a few hours, even up to a full day until you reply. We don’t want him to think you are desperate.

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Win her heart back

I know that getting dumped is one of the worst feelings you can experience. If you just got dumped them I am glad you are here reading this article. Chances are good that you are going to want him back, but you don’t know what you should do in order to get him back. In this article we are going to be talking about three unique tips and tricks to get back together with your ex.

1-Make sure you are friends first

One of the keys to having a great relationship is to make sure you first have a great friendship. Ask any couple that has been married for a long time and they will tell you the reason they are still together is because they are best friends. Don’t go from not being together to being together, make sure you get an established friendship first.

2-Analyze why the break up happened

Before you make a move on them and ask them to get back together with you, you need to analyze the break up and figure out exactly what went wrong and why it went wrong. I am sure the majority of you already know what happened, but there might be some of you who got dumped out of nowhere. Analyze the relationship and think about what could have gone wrong.

3-Talk to them

Now is the thing you have all been waiting for, it is time to finally talk to them again. I am sure you have a lot of things you need to say, and that is fine. I encourage you to write everything down on a piece of paper and try to memorize what you are going to say. This will help because you will probably be nervous and trying to speak your heart when you are nervous is not easy.

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Football Weight Training

If you are going to play football then you should already know that you are not going to perform to the best of your ability unless you gain more weight. If you are facing someone who is forty pounds heavier than you are, chances are good you will be the one who gets pushed around. In this article we are going to be talking about three tips and tricks that should help you gain weight faster than you ever thought possible.

1-Use the off season for weight training

During the off season, it is important you keep the running to a minimum. The reason for this is because the more you run, the harder it will be to gain weight. If we are going to be honest with each other for a second, you don’t need to be in shape during the off season, you need to be training to get big and strong. Focus only on weight training for the remainder of this time.

2-Recover properly

One thing that holds people back from making the gains they desire is the fact that they are actually over training. If you do not get enough recovery between workouts, you will not give your muscles a chance to grow. You should wait at least 48 hours in between each workout. Performing three full body workouts per week is perfect.

3-Take supplements

There are a lot of supplements out there to help you build muscle, but the truth is you don’t need the majority of them. You will be fine by taking just protein before and after your workouts. If you want a little extra help gaining some weight then you can start taking creatine as well.

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Be A Better Athlete Today

When it comes to the world of sports, one thing that every athlete understands is that getting bigger, faster, and stronger will help out with just about any sport they choose to partake in. Think about it like this for a second, can you give me one sport where those three things will not help? I know I can’t think of any. In this article we are going to be talking about how to become a better athlete in three steps.

1-Change your diet

The first thing you need to do to get bigger, faster, and stronger is to change your diet. I hate to break it to you but you are going to need to start spending more money on food. Right now, your diet is actually the most important thing. You should find out how many calories you need to eat per day to maintain weight and eat 500 more than that.

2-Use proper form

One of the main reasons people have trouble adding size and strength to their body is because they are not using proper form in all the exercises, especially the compound exercises like the squat, bench press, and dead lift. If you do not have proper form, you will not gain strength near as fast as you could have been and you increase your chances of getting injured.

3-Use overspeed training

One of the best ways to develop speed is to do something called overspeed training. You need to make sure you are in good shape before you do this, because if you aren’t you have a good chance of pulling a hamstring. All you need to do is find a hill and run down it. You will be running faster than you can normally, this will get your body use to moving that fast.

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Get Your Ex Back Today

Let’s be honest for a second, when working out, you obviously want to get bigger overall. However, the main thing that people like to have is big arms. Sometimes it seems like the arms are the last thing to grow when you workout consistently. Why is this? How come your chest and back grow at a much faster rate than you arms? In this article we are going to be going over three ways to make your arms bigger.

1-Stop doing isolation movements

If you are trying to focus on arm size, one of the first things you need to do is stop doing isolation movements such as curls and extensions. These focus only on one muscle group, we want to focus on the exercises that hit all the muscle groups. Examples of this include the bench press, dip, pull up, and push up.

2-Work your triceps more

When most people start to work out in order to get bigger arms, they seem to make their main focus their biceps. Don’t get me wrong, the bicep is a good looking muscle, but did you know that the tricep is actually 2/3 of your arm size? If you want to get massive arms you need to start focusing more on the triceps.

3-Don’t just do arm exercises

I know it might sound kind of weird if I tell you one of the best ways to get bigger arms is to work your whole body, but that is the truth. If you work your whole body you will produce more testosterone. The more testosterone you produce the bigger your arms will be.

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The Weight Loss Challenge

I am willing to bet that a lot of you out there are wanting to lose weight but don’t know exactly what you should be eating or how to work out to reach your goals. In this article, we are going to give you three tips that will help you lose weight. The challenge is that you would follow these three tips for five weeks. If you do, you should have lost at least five pounds. Ready to get started?

1-Know your daily calorie intake

The first thing you need to do when trying to lose five pounds in five weeks is to know how many calories you should be eating per day. This is actually easy to figure out, all you have to do is go online and search for a calorie calculator. Once you get your number then just subtract 500 from it. That is how many calories you should be eating to lose weight.

2-Make sure you are weight training

Often time, weight training seems to get neglected when we talk about losing weight. This is a sad fact because weight training is actually the best way to lose a lot of weight in the shortest amount of time. The reason is because muscle burns fat, and obviously weight training builds muscle. So the more muscle you build through weight training the more fat you will burn.

3-Get motivated

I know this tip might sound a bit weird, but the truth is if you want to lose a good amount of weight, you are going to need to get motivated. Motivation can do a lot of things, but the reason it is so important is because it will prevent you from eating food you shouldn’t eat and it will prevent you from skipping a workout.

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Teenage Girl Topics: Lose Weight

If you are a teenage girl who is trying to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, then I am glad you are here reading this article. In this article we are going to be talking about three things you can do to help you start to lose weight today. All you have to do is dedicate yourself to following these three simple tips for about one month and you will begin to see a difference.

1-Don’t take pills

I know that when you turn on the TV and see all these advertisements for weight loss pills, you will probably be tempted to purchase them. I want to encourage you not to purchase these weight loss pills because they can actually do more harm than good. Your body will become dependent on them and you will notice you can’t lose weight without them.

2-Write down your goals

Writing down your goals has actually been proven to be one of the best ways to lose weight. The brain has an incredible power that will tell your body what to do. If your brain notices that the goal is to lsoe ten pounds within two months, it will do whatever it needs to do to lose ten pounds within those two months.

3-Don’t forget to workout

When someone focuses so much on losing weight, they often forget about working out because they are thinking so much about their diet. Don’t forget you need to work out if you want to lose maximum amount of weight.

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Weight Loss Made Easy

If you have been struggling to lose weight then I am glad you are here today reading this article. The truth is that everyone can lose a good amount of weight, I don’t care what you have tried in the past and if it failed. I want you to erase everything you think you know about losing weight and follow the three tips mentioned here. If you follow them for just four weeks you will see a noticeable difference.

1-Have a plan

Going into the gym without having a workout plan is like playing baseball without your glove. Is it possible? Yes it is, but it makes things so much harder. Right now I want you to put together a plan. If you are not sure how to do that, the next two tips we give below will help you out. If you still don’t know how to do it, you can find one online.

2-Lift heavy weights

If you ever watch someone in the gym, you will notice that they are probably doing around eight to twelve reps per set. If you want to lose maximum amount of fat, you need to start doing no more than six reps per set. Preferably close to the four rep range. The reason is because the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. Heavier weights build more muscle.

3-Lift often

I know a lot of time you will hear people say that you should workout each muscle group one time per week. The truth is that you need to workout each muscle group up to three times per week. If you go a full week without working out that muscle, it is going to start to get smaller.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Build Muscle Mass

If you are having some trouble building some muscle mass, then I am glad you are here reading this article. A lot of times people work out hard for a few months and don’t see any results, so they quit. If you feel like you are not getting any results, chances are you are doing something wrong. In this article we are going to be going over three things you must be doing if you want to build a lot of muscle in the shortest amount of time.

1-Start with the basics

The first thing you need to do when you start lifting is to start with the basic. Don’t just jump right into an advanced program because if you do, the chances are your body will be way over trained and you will not build any muscle because your body simply can’t recover from workout to workout. Start off by focusing on the squat, bench, and dead lift by doing three sets of five reps.

2-Increase your caloric intake

I know you probably already think you eat a lot, but if you are not watching the scale move every single week, then you are not eating enough. If you want to put on a lot of muscle then you need to find out how many calories you need to eat per day to maintain weight and add about 500 to that. This should get the scale moving in the right direction. If not, simply add more calories.

3-Write down your goals

Writing down your goals and putting them in a place where you often look at them is one of the best ways to get the body you have always dreamed of. This keeps you focused and determined and those two things combined makes it impossible not to reach your goals.

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How To Get Stronger

I know that building muscle and strength is not the easiest thing for a lot of you guys out there. It was not the easiest thing for me either. However, I am here to let you know that anyone can put on muscle regardless of your body type. In this article I will be sharing with you the same three tips I used to pack on a lot of muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

1-Make sure you have good form

One of the main reasons people have trouble getting stronger in big lifts such as the bench press and squat is because their form is not that great. You should take about one month to practice form and nothing but form. You do not need to lift heavy, just make sure you have proper form so you don’t injury yourself when you do use heavy weight.

2-Train your muscles to failure

A lot of people like to stop a few reps short of failure when they workout. If you have been doing this, that could be one of the main reasons you have not been able to gain any weight. Right now, we need to force our muscles into growing, the only way to do that is by taking them to failure. If you don’t go to failure you are not tearing them down as much as you could be.

3-Listen to music

If you didn’t already know, the heavier the weight is that you can lift for a certain amount of reps, the more your muscles will grow. Science has proven that when we listen to music, it gets our adrenaline flowing which allows us to lift more weight. Put together a play list of songs that get you pumped up and listen to it during your workout.

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Gain Muscle Fast

Most people don’t really know this, but building muscle is actually really simple as long as you are doing everything right. If your workout and your nutrition are going good, then it is possible to gain up to ten pounds within a matter of four weeks. In this article we are going to be going over three tips and tricks that will help you put together a perfect diet and workout program.

1-How to eat

Did you know that one of the main reasons people have trouble gaining weight is not because their workouts are wrong, it is because their diet is wrong. What I want you to do is find out how many calories you need to eat per day to maintain weight and add 500 to that number. If you eat that many calories per day you should gain a solid pound or two per week.

2-Focus on your muscle being worked

Scientific research has proven that when you do something that is called “mind to muscle connection” you will actually work out that muscle harder allowing it to get bigger and stronger. Each time you lift the weight, focus on that muscle and nothing but that muscle. Picture it getting bigger and stronger.

3-Focus on multi-join movements

When you go to the gym and watch people working out, chances are good they will be doing things such as bicep curls, chest flies, and tricep extensions. There is nothing wrong with that, but when gaining weight you want to focus on compound movements such as the bench press and squat.

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Gain Muscle Fast

Did you know that building muscle is actually a lot easier than you might think? I know a lot of you will probably be disagreeing with me on that because you have probably worked out hard in the past and don’t have the results to prove it, but I am here to prove to you muscle building is possible for anyone. In this article we are going to be talking about three things you should be doing if you want to build a lot of muscle in the shortest amount of time.

1-Lift very heavy

If you want your muscle to grow, you are going to have to force them to grow. The only way to force your muscles to grow is by lifting heavy weights. Stop doing the typical three sets of ten reps and start to do stuff such as five sets of five or four sets of six. The heavier weight will give your muscles no choice but to grow.

2-Have good form

One of the most common things we see in the gym is people lifting a lot of weight but not having proper form. We have found that the main reason people do this is because they let their pride get in the way and they want to impress others with how much they can lift. Don’t let your pride get in the way while working out.

3-Keep your body guessing

You need to change your workout up once every four weeks. It is fine to do the same workout for four weeks in a row, but after that your body will start to get use to everything. If you want to continue with your gains you need to change the exercises and the weight around once a month.

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Quickly Save your Marriage

If you and your spouse are going through a hard time right now, I would like to be the first to let you know that I am sorry for whatever it is you guys are fighting about. I know that arguing is not an easy thing to do, but if you want to end the argument and have a better relationship than you have ever had, then I am glad you are reading this. In this article we are going to be talking about ways you can fix your broken relationship.

1-Make sure you are communicating

Have you and your spouse ever just sat down and talked to each other about what is going on in your life? I am sure you guys have talked about the argument before, but before the argument started did you guys have open communication with each other? Did you share your feelings with each other? If something bothered you did you tell your spouse? If not you need to start to communicate with each other a little better.

2-Know that nothing will change until you do

This is one of the hardest things for a lot of people to accept. It is the fact that the situation will not change until the person changes. Once you change I can promise the whole situation will change. This means you need to start dropping your pride and taking responsibility even if it was not your fault.

3-Consider counseling

I know a lot of you guys out there might not like the idea of going to marriage counseling, but the truth is it is always a good idea. Did you know that the average couple waits about six years before you decide to finally try counseling? Don’t let this happen to you, seek help as soon as possible.

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Heal Your Marriage

One of the questions we most often get asked is how to save your relationship with your spouse even if it seems hopeless. Instead of individually replying to each email, we decided we would write an article about it so everyone who is wondering the same thing can hear the answer. In this article we are going to be going over three tips to help you fix a troubled relationship.

1-Know why you guys are having trouble

The first thing you need to do when trying to save your relationship is know exactly why things started to go bad for you in the first place. Did you know that the majority of couples out there can’t even tell you when and what they started to argue over? Don’t let your argument reach that point. Sit down with each other and talk about what is going on.

2-Don’t feel like the victim

Most of the time when couples argue, they always feel like they are being verbally attacked by their partner and they feel like they are the victim behind all of this. Chances are good your spouse feels the same way. You need to change your perception on the situation and realize you guys just have miscommunication going on and no one is verbally attacking.

3-Don’t blame each other

I am sure you already know that one of the most annoying things is when your spouse blames you for doing certain things. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the reason they blame you for everything is because you blame them for everything? I bet if you stopped blaming them they would stop blaming you.

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Be Happy With Your Marriage

I am sure the day you got married and ran off to your honeymoon, you never imagined you would be at a point where you and your spouse are not getting along. I am sure you thought you two would live happily ever after with no problems at all. However, this is never the case. Couples argue all the time, it’s the ones who make it through who have great relationships. In this article we are going to teach you how to make it through any argument.

1-have open communication with each other

Before we start to talk about the other two tips, I would first like to start off talking about one that is extremely obvious but extremely important. I know you already know that openly talking to each other is important, but let me ask you something, are you doing it? You can’t save your marriage unless you guys talk things through.

2-Show respect to each other

I know it is very tempting to ignore the other person when they are talking, but showing respect to them is important. Don’t interrupt them or say something like “that isn’t true” when it is their turn to speak. Let them finish what they have to say, then you can tell them that you don’t think what they said is true.

3-Remember why you love the person

Do you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? Do you remember how perfect the wedding and honeymoon was? If so then tell them that. Remind them of what you were feeling and what was going through your mind. This will show them that you really do care for them.

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Have a healthy Marriage

Have you ever noticed that sometimes your relationship can be going really well with your spouse and sometimes it is not going well at all? I am willing to bet that sometimes when it is not going well, you and your spouse find yourselves often fighting and might even consider splitting up. In this article we are going to be going over three simple tips and tricks that should help you fix your relationship with your spouse faster than you thought possible.

1-Find help early

If you and your spouse have recently started this argument, then it is a good idea to seek some help early before it gets out of control. The average couple waits between four to six years before they seek help, don’t let this be you. It is a good idea to open up the phone book and look for a marriage counseling place.

2-Think before you speak

How many times have you been guilty of saying something, then totally regretting it right after you have said it. Chances are good you don’t mean the things you say, but you get so caught up in the moment you just need to say something. It is very important you watch your tongue before you open your mouth.

3-Focus on the good news

I know right now you might be wondering how there could possibly be good news, but the truth is that just about every couple who makes it through a bad arguments strengthens their relationship and their love for each other. Just know that when you too make it through the argument, you will be more intimate with each other.

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How To Save Your Marriage

I am not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you that everything is going to be ok after there is an affair within a marriage. I wish I could tell you that things would go back to normal, but the truth is they won’t. However, you can still gain back love and respect for each other and get your marriage back on good terms. In this article we are going to be going over three tips on how to save your marriage after an affair.

1-Think about why the affair happened

If you had an affair on your spouse, there had to have been some reason it happened. I highly doubt you just woke up one morning and decided that you wanted to cheat on the person you love. Was the relationship already bad? Were you on a business trip and got lonely? The reason you need to know why it happened is to prevent it from happening again.

2-Don’t defend yourself

I guess right now is the time you need to “fall on your sword.” What I mean by this is that you should not try to defend yourself. This will just make your spouse think you are an immature jerk who can’t take responsibility. You need to take full responsibility for what happened and you need to stop defending yourself in this situation.

3-Show them you still love them

The next thing you need to do is show them you love them. Don’t just tell them sorry and tell them you love them. Actions speak way louder than words. Do something very romantic for them that they were not expecting. It is better to plan too much romance rather than not enough.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Perfect Way To Lose Weight

If you want to slim down and get the body you have always desired, then I am glad you are reading this article. If you are tired of going to the beach and being embarrassed to take off your shirt, then it is time you finally do something about it! In this article we are going to be discussing three simple tips that can help you lose the maximum amount of weight in a very short time.

1-Trick your body

Most people that workout always seem to forget to change up their workout routines. The reason they do this is because they probably saw some really good gains a first, but now that their body is getting use to the workout, they are not seeing near as good results. If you change your workout every three or four weeks, your body will see better results.

2-Pick up a physical hobby

A great way to lose weight while having some fun is to pick up a physical hobby. This can be anything from wakeboarding to just playing some basketball. Losing weight should not be boring and hard, it should be fun. One thing we should warn you about though is to make sure you are properly warmed up beforehand.

3-Increase your protein intake

When it comes to dieting, most people think they need to eat less fat. Although you should not eat a huge amount of fat, it is ok to eat more than you probably think. The thing you want to watch is the carbs. You should change your diet around to where you are eating more protein and less carbs.

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Workout To Lose Body Fat

When people discuss weight loss, it usually seems like the main thing they talk about is the diet. Don’t get me wrong, the diet is very important but that is only half the equation. Today we are going to be talking about the other half of the equation which is exercise. If you want to start an exercise program but are not sure how to put one together, then it is a good thing you are reading this article.

1-Focus on strength

The first thing you need to do when working out is make your focus on strength. I have seen people go into the gym time after time and their focus is on doing a lot of reps to get the burn. The truth is, the burn feeling you get from working out really doesn’t mean anything. Trust me when I say the stronger you get, the better you will look.

2-Give your body time to recover

The next thing you need to do when designing your workout program is to make sure you give your body enough time to recover from workout to workout. We have seen so many people fail because they decide they want to lift weights every single day, buy your body doesn’t work like that. You need at least 48 hours in between each session.

3-Get plenty of sleep

When you are working out a lot, your body is going to require a bit more sleep. If you are not getting at least eight hours of sleep per night, you need to start now. One thing that happens when you are sleeping is your body enters an anabolic state. You want to stay in this state for as long as possible because it burns fat and builds muscle.

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Quickly Lose Weight

I am sure just about all of you out there desire to lose weight, but you want to do it in a way that is totally safe for your body. Sometimes, all those pills and gimmicks you see on TV are not the best thing for your health. In this article we are going to be teaching you how to lose weight faster than you ever thought possible in the safest way possible.

1-Get smaller bowls and plates

I am sure you already know that the human brain is sometimes very weird. It has been proven that if people eat out of smaller bowls and plates, they get more full. The reason for this is because there brain thinks they are eating more than they actually are because it notices a full plate of food. We recommend you downsize everything in your kitchen.

2-Eat slow

One of the first things we tell people when they are trying to lose a lot of weight is to eat slowly. The reason for this is because when you eat slow, you are giving your stomach a chance to become full. If you scarf your food down really fast, you might still be hungry by the time you are finished which will just cause you to eat more food.

3-Destroy your enemies

The next thing you need to do is destroy all your enemies! What I mean by this is go through your house and get rid of all the food that you know will not help you lose weight. If you have cakes and candy in your house, get rid of them! We want to leave your house temptation free.

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Get a Six Pack Fast

If you find yourself working your abs a lot and still having trouble getting a six pack, then I am glad you are here reading this article. The truth is, most people work out wrong when they are trying to get a nice looking set of abs. In this article we are going to be going over the mistakes most people make then we are going to be talking about what you can do to get a six pack very fast.

1-Change your diet

I know a lot of you are not going to like hearing this very much, but the fastest way to get six pack abs is by changing your diet around a little bit. For about four weeks, you should focus on eating fewer carbs and more protein. However, we do not recommend going longer than four weeks on a diet like this because carbs are important.

2-Don’t be afraid of fat

When most people think about losing weight, the first thing they eliminate from the diet is their fat intake, but did you know that there are actually some really healthy fats out there? Do not be afraid to have a lot of olive oil, fish oil, natural peanut butter, or anything else that has omega 3 fatty acids.

3-Build your abs

It does not matter how low you get your body fat, unless you actually build your abdominals they will not pop out. Spend three days per week doing crunches, sit ups, and leg lifts. It is also a good idea to do some cardio to help out with losing body fat.

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Get A Six Pack From Your House

If you are wanting to get a six pack then I am glad you are here today reading this article. Have you ever stopped to think why getting a six pack is the goal of a lot of people? Why is it that the six pack means so much? The reason is because when somebody has some nice looking abs, other people view them as healthy and fit. I am sure we all want to be viewed as healthy and fit. In this article we are going to be talking about how to get six pack abs at the comfort of your own home.

1-Do some crunches

Ok, let’s start off by talking about the most basic of all abdominal exercises, the crunch. This exercise is often done wrong, and when it is done wrong you probably will not see any results from it. To start off, put your arms on your chest, not behind your head Bring your feet as close to your body as possible and don’t have anyone hold them. When you get to the top of the crunch you want to hold that for five seconds, then go back down.

2-Leg Lifts

The crunch is a great exercise for upper abdominal development, but if you are wanting to target your lower abs, then you need to do an exercise called leg lifts. This exercise is another on that most people do wrong. What you want to do is make sure your hips get off the floor as well, not just your legs.

3-Get your body fat down
Let’s be honest for a second, it does not matter how strong your abs are, nobody will see them unless you lower your body fat percentage. If you are currently above fifteen perfect, then try to get it down to fifteen. If you are already below fifteen perfect your abs should be visible.

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Lose Body Fat

We all know that one of the main reasons people try to lose body fat is to get the desired six pack abs. If you are one of the people who would love to get a six pack and lose as much body fat as possible, then I am glad you are here reading this article. By the time you are done reading this, you will have learned three amazing tips and tricks to get you the body you not only want but deserve.

1-Make sure you do squats

Many people don’t realize this, but doing weighted squats is one of the best exercises you can do for your abs. Try this out for a second, see if you can squat all the way down and come back up without flexing your abs. Now imagine how much more they will be working when you have an actual bar on your back.

2-Do leg lifts

People always complain that their lower abs are so hard to target. This makes sense because when you look at most people, their upper abs are usually more defined than their lower abs. That is just because people usually work out their lower abs wrong. When you train your lower abs, you need to make sure you are getting your hips off the floor.

3-Don’t forget about the diet

Getting a nice looking stomach is not all about what exercises you do, you need to make sure you have a good diet as well. If you have a body fat perfect of above fifteen, it might be a little difficult to see your abs. Try to clean up your diet and get your body fat down to around ten perfect.

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Win Them Back Today

If you are wanting to get back together with your ex then it is a good thing you are here reading this article. One thing that always surprises me is when couples go through a break up and think it is over for good. The truth is, getting your ex back is actually easier than getting them to like you in the first place. By the time you are done reading this article you will have learned three great tips and tricks to win them back

1-Remember who you are

The first thing I want you doing when trying to get back together with your ex is remember who you wre when they first fell in love with you. Obviously there was something special about who you were because they either said yes or they asked you out. Think about who you were back then and try to be that person again.

2-Give them some space

One of the reasons a couple breaks up is because they don’t feel like they have any freedom at all anymore. If you were constantly trying to call or get in touch with your ex, you need to stop. This is more true right now than it ever was. Go one full month without talking to them and chances are good they will miss you.

3-Do you have good communication

Do you even know why you and your ex broke up? I am sure you can think of something that happened that caused a break up, but do you know what lead up to that one big thing? Couples don’t just break up with each other out of nowhere, there had to have been a series of things that happened, you need to think of what it could have been and apologize.

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Get Back The Heart of Your Ex

Obviously, when you and your ex broke up, there were a lot of feelings on both ends. I am sure you went from being really sad to really mad. Sometimes you might of even had no feelings at all, the only thing you know is the fact that you want to get back together with them. In this article we are going to be going over the best thing you can do to win the heart of your ex back.

1-Get out of the house

The first thing you need to do when trying to win the heart of your ex back is to get out of the house. Nothing good comes from sitting on the couch all day crying about how you wish you had them back. If you ex notices you out having fun, they will know that you are actually doing well and this might cause them to want you back.

2-Let them know you respect their decision

This is one trick that most people never really do or think of. Tell your ex that you respect their decision to break up, and if you were in their shoes you would probably do the same thing. However, right after you tell them that, let them know that you still care for them and that you still love them. This shows the other person that you respect them and love them.

3-Become friends first

Before you even attempt to ask your ex to get back together, you need to become friends with them first. Most of the great relationships out there are built on a great friendship. If you and your ex are not friends, the relationship is not going to go well.

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Get Your Ex Back

I am sure you already know that getting back together with your ex is not going to be an easy thing. However, if you know that you want them back and don’t want anyone but them, then the risk is worth taking. In this article we are going to be going over the main reasons as to why most relationships fail and what you can do to get back together with your ex even if it seems like there is not hope.

1-Figure out why you guys broke up

The first thing you need to do when trying to get back together with your ex is figure out exactly why you guys broke up in the first place. I want you to analyze everything that went wrong, not just the main thing. The reason for this is because if you know all the little things that went wrong, you can apologize for everything.

2-Time to say sorry

For some of you, this is going to be an easy part, for others it is going to be hard. You need to say you are sorry even if you feel as though you did nothing wrong. Part of being in a great relationship is making sacrifices, and this includes sacrificing your pride. Let them know you are not just sorry for the big thing but for all the little things that lead up to that.

3-Don’t forget about your life

One thing that the majority of people do is forget they have a life without your ex. You need to go out and start living it. Call up some old friends and see if they want to hang out. Just go out and have fun. Sitting in the room all day crying is not good for anyone.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back

I am sure that after you and your boyfriend broke up, everyone around you was telling you that it was going to be ok and that your heart will heal eventually. But you know that something inside of you is telling you that your heart will not heal unless you do something about it. You also know the only thing you can do is get him back. In this article we are going to be going over some tips on how to get back together with your ex boyfriend.

1-Give him some time to himself

The first thing you need to do when you are attempting to get back together with your boyfriend is to give him some time to himself. Chances are good that he is a bit confused right now and needs to think about everything. Make sure you give him the time to do this. If you rush in there and tell him how sorry you are and how much you want him back, this will just drive him further away.

2-Let him know you think about him

Now you need to let him know you still think about him a lot. Once a month has gone by of not contact, just ask him if he wants to hang out as friends. Nothing more and nothing less, just go out and have fun. While you guys are out let him know that he has been on your mind lately. If the evening is going well you should tell him you are sorry for what you did and you still love him.

3-Know that it is not hopeless

One thing that holds many women back from actually getting the man to come back to them is the fact that they think it is hopeless. No matter what the situation is, there is always a chance to get him back. You just have to be willing to take the risk.

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Win Your Boyfriends Heart Back

If you are looking for ways to get back together with your ex boyfriend, then it is a good thing you are reading this article. In this article we are going to talk about different ways you can win the heart of your lover back. However, before we get started I want you to make sure you really want him back. If you aren’t sure then don’t read the rest of this until you know for sure. If you do know you want him back, then continue reading.

1-Remember past things
One thing many people don’t really realize is the fact that you can actually really use the past to your advantage. If you has complimented on your outfit, then you should consider wearing it again next time you see him. Also, if you are going to be meeting with him somewhere, do it in a special place that has a lot of memories for you both.

2-Do or say something he does
Have you ever noticed that he does something different than everyone else? Or maybe he has a word he says that people don’t often use? If so then you should slip it in every once in a while. This will let him know that you two have a special connection that no one else has with him.

3-Ask him to hang out

When I say ask him to hang out, it is important you realize I am not saying ask him out on a date or anything like that. Before you two can start dating you need to make sure you become friends first. Go have fun with him. Maybe you can go bowling or play some miniature golf.

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Get Your Ex Back Today

Now that your relationship with your boyfriend is over, I am sure you are going through an emotional rollercoaster right now. You probably don’t know if you should be angry or if you should cry. In fact, chances are good that right now you are just really bitter and numb toward the whole situation, but the only thing you know is that you want him back. In this article we are going to be talking about three simple ways to get back together with your boyfriend.

1-Think about why you broke up

The first thing I want you to do is think about the exact reason as to why you broke up. There can be many reasons for this, but do you know the main reason? The reason it is so important to know why the break up happened is because you need to know exactly what you are apologizing for. Think of all the little things that lead up to that one big thing.

2-Don’t change who you are

After a break up, many women try to change who they are because they feel the man got bored of them and stopped loving who they are. But the truth is he fell in love with you in the first place, that shows he likes your personality a lot. If you try to change who you are you are just going to look foolish to him.

3-Choose your first words wisely

The very first words you say to your ex will probably either make or break the relationship. If you say the right words then you will be giving yourself a head start. If you say the wrongs words you will be losing momentum. Don’t cry to him and beg him to take you back. Let him know you respect his decision and understand, then let him know you still love him.

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Get Rid of Your Body Fat

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time then I am glad I can be the one to give you hope. Did you know that you can lose weight no matter what? Some of you might be saying that isn’t true because you have tried before, but the truth is that weight loss is a mathematical formula. In this article we are going to be going over three tips that can help you lose weight and keep the weight off.

1-Drink plenty of water
Water is one of the most important things for your health, and sadly very few people actually drink enough of it. If you do not get enough water, your body will try to store as much water as possible, causing you to look bloated in the places you do not want to be bloated! Make sure you drink one glass of water before your meal, during your meal, and after your meal.

2-Write down your goals

One of the main reasons people fail to lose weight is because they lose motivation. A great way to keep motivation is by writing down your goals and making sure you will do everything you have to do to reach those goals. Place the written down goals somewhere in your kitchen so every time you go in there, you will be reminded of your goals which should motivate you to eat better.

3-Get some exercise

I wish I could tell you that you can lose weight quickly without exercising, but that is not the case. You need to make sure you get at least three full body workouts in per week. If you do not have a gym membership then you need to go jogging three to four times per week.

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Three Tips To Extreme Weight Loss

Did you know that every single person out there has the ability to lose a lot of weight. I do not care who you are or how long you have been trying to lose weight. Your body is set up to either gain weight, lose weight or maintain weight and you choose which category you want to be in. In this article we are going to be talking about three ways you can lose weight. Follow these tips for three weeks and you will be surprised with your results.

1-Clear your house

The first thing you need to do when you are trying to lose a lot of weight is clear your house of all the foods that you know will not help you reach your goals. If you have any kind of candy, cake, and chips in the house, you might want to get rid of them. You should also think about getting rid of all the drinks besides water.

2-Find an alternative to those foods

Now that you have cleared all the unhealthy food from your house, you need to look for alternatives to them. For example, if you got rid of a high sugared cereal, you might want to replace that with some oatmeal. You can also replace fruit for chips. Just think outside the box when it comes to figuring out what you should replace the foods for.

3-Eat more meals
Did you know that by eating more meals you can actually lose more weight? The reason for this because when you eat more meals, your metabolism will speed up because you are constantly eating. Obviously you don’t want to eat as much during these meals, but eating often is a great way to keep your body in a fat burning state.

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Lose Weight Quickly

Have you ever noticed that just about every person out there wishes they could lose weight? How come You would think with how many people out there complaining every day talking about how it is impossible for them to lose weight, our scientists would have come up with a great way to lose weight by now. Well guess what, they have! It is called hard work and determination. In this article we are going to give you three tips that will help you lose weight no problem.

1-Bleieve in yourself

The first mistake most people make when it comes to losing weight is not believing they can actually do it. The reason people think this is because they have tried weight loss programs in the past and they have failed. If you go into a weight loss program knowing you are not going to see results, then there is a good chance you won’t see any results.

2-Set some goals

Now that you have totally confidence that your next weight loss routine will work, I want you to set some goals for yourself. Obviously you want to make these achievable goals but you also want to make sure you are challenging yourself. A typical goal we always recommend is to lose one or two pounds per week.

3-Know your daily caloric intake

The last thing you need to do is know how many calories you need to be eating per day to maintain weight. This is different for everyone, so go online and find a daily caloric intake calculator. This will tell you how much you need to eat to maintain weight. Once you get that number simply subtract 500 from it and you are good to go.

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Build Muscle Like Never Before

There are a lot of people out there who can go through some pretty intense workouts and still not be able to get any kind of results at all. If you are trying to build a lot of muscle then it is a good thing you are here today reading this article. This article is going to show you that everyone can put on muscle and it will be going over three steps you should be doing if you stand a chance of putting on muscle.

1-Change your eating habits

Some of you out there might be thinking your eating habits are really good, but to be brutally honest, they probably aren’t. I am not saying you are eating unhealthy, because you might be. However, unless you are eating more than your daily caloric need to maintain weight, you are not going to put on any muscle. If you think you are eating healthy, simply eat more than what you have
been eating.

2-Make a workout

Once you get your eating habits in check, you need to create a workout for yourself. It really does not matter what kind of workout you do, but we do recommend you lift heavy because this forces the muscles to grow. You should change your workout around every five to six weeks to prevent your muscles from getting use to the workout.

3-Get plenty of sleep

When you go to sleep, your body actually enters something called an anabolic state. Some of you might know what this is and other might not. If you don’t know what this is, it simple means you are burning fat and gaining muscle. You need to make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep per night.

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How To Gain Weight Quickly

If you are having a bit of trouble putting on muscle, then it is a good thing you are here reading this article. Did you know that every single person can put on muscle and can actually do it quickly, it is just a matter of whether or not you are doing everything properly. In this article we are going to be discussing some great tips and tricks that should help you pack on a lot of muscle in a short amount of time.

1-Design a workout

The first thing you need to do before you even step into the gym is design a workout plan for yourself. This can be done in many different ways because there is no “best workout plan.” You want your plan to hit your muscles hard, but you also want to give them time to recover. Right now it does not matter what your plan looks like, just make sure you have one

2-Track your progress

In order for muscles to grow, you need to force them to grow. Because of this you should write down all your workouts. If you did 100 pounds in the bench press, you need to write that down so you know that next time you will be doing 105 pounds. Try to increase the weight five pounds every single week. This will add up to over 250 pounds by the end of the year!

3-Have proper nutrition

The next thing you need to do is put together a diet for yourself. You are not going to be able to gain any weight unless you have a diet that is set up to help you gain weight. You need to make sure you are eating 500 calories over your daily caloric intake.

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Gain Weight Quickly

If you have been trying to build muscle but are having some trouble, then I am glad you are here reading this article. Did you know that your body can actually build a lot of muscle? It is just a matter of whether or not your diet, workout plan, and life style habits are allowing your body to build muscle or preventing it from building muscle. In this article we are going to be talking about three things you must do if you want to pack on as much muscle as possible.

1-Have a plan

One of the reasons people fail with putting on a lot of muscle is because they do not have a plan of action. You need to set up a workout plan that works your body hard but also gives you enough time to recover each muscle group. We recommend you start with full body workouts three times per week. Focus on heavy weights.

2-Make sure you have proper form

Once you have developed a plan for the gym, it is important you have proper form in the major lifts such as the dead lift, squat, and bench press. Your form needs to be good in all the other exercises as well, but especially these three. Start with lighter weight until you feel comfortable moving the heavy weight with good form

3-Lift to failure

I am sure you have heard a lot of people say it is not important to lift weights until failure, but the truth is you need to. Muscle needs to be forced to grow, and when you are not lifting until failure, you really are not giving your muscles a whole lot of reason to grow.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Put an end to the divorce

Do you remember the day you were on the alter and you made a promise to your spouse that you would love them for the rest of your life? I bet you never realized that someday you would be getting a divorce with them. If you want to figure out how to stop the divorce then I am glad you are reading this article. By the time you are done reading you will know three great steps you can take to fix a bad relationship.

1-Share your thoughts

I am sure you already know that one of the most important things to a great relationship is to communicate with each other. I want you to think about the past few months, have you and your spouse been open and honest with each other? If not it is time to sit down with them and talk about what is on your mind.

2-Know that the feelings are there

One of the main reasons a lot of relationships fail is because couples think that their spouse has lost all the feelings they once had for them. The truth is, they had enough feelings to get married to you and those just don’t go away. It is important to know that they still do and always will have feelings for you, they just might be hidden right now.

3-Know that all fights end

If you talk to any couple that has been married for over thirty years, they will tell you they have gotten in fight after fight after fight, and yet they still made it through and are very happy with their lives. Just because you are in one big fight, doesn’t mean you should get a divorce because it will eventually end.

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Heal your relationship today

It does not matter whether you are married or are dating, every relationship is bound to have some problems. I wish I could say these problems can easily be fixed, but the majority of time it is going to take some work. In this article we are going to be going over three steps you and your lover should do to make sure you fix your broken relationship.

1-Understand that every relationship is different

The first thing you need to do is make sure you understand that every relationship is different. If you don’t understand this, then chances are good you are going to find a couple and try to act exactly like them. This might be good at first but eventually you two will forget who you are and your relationship will go down hill again.

2-Be best friends

If you take a look around at the people who have great relationships, one thing you will notice is that the majority of the time, they are best friends. They have a lot of fun with each other and always want to be with each other. When they aren’t with each other they are calling and finding out what the other person is up to. Establish a great friendship.

3-Make sure you show affection

The sad thing is that very few couples do this anymore after their first few years of being with each other. You need to show affection to the other person in simple ways. Go for walks and hold hands, have a movie night where you guys just hold each other. Do romantic gestures like that.

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